Norbert opens the first crumb museum in the glitter world » Pummeleinhorn
Norbert eröffnet das erste Krümel-Museum der Glitzerwelt

Norbert opens the first crumb museum in the glitter world

Norbert opens the first crumb museum in the glitter world

Today was a big day for Norbert the Cookie as he opened the very first Cookie Museum in Glitter World . The museum, an architectural masterpiece made of cookie dough and chocolate icing, showcases an extensive collection of the most exotic and rare cookie crumbs from all over the world.

From historical biscuit scraps to modern crumb art, everything is there. Norbert proudly declared: " Every crumb has its own story! " and invited visitors to explore the fascinating world of crumbs. The opening was a huge success and the inhabitants of the glitter world flocked to take a look at the unique exhibits.

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