Happy Pride Month - strong and proud together 🌈 » Pummeleinhorn
Happy Pride Month

Happy Pride Month - strong and proud together 🌈

Happy Pride Month - strong and proud together 🌈

June is all about love and pride because it is Pride Month ! This month we celebrate our LGBTQIA+ community and remember the importance of standing up for our rights and identity.

The origin of Pride Month

The origins of Pride Month lie in the Stonewall riots that took place on Christopher Street in New York City in June 1969. During this time, the rights and visibility of the LGBTQIA+ community were severely limited, and police raids on gay bars such as the Stonewall Inn were not uncommon. On June 28, 1969, courageous people from the affected community resisted and began an uprising against discrimination and oppression. These events are considered a turning point in the movement's history.

The rainbow as a symbol of uniqueness

One of the most important symbols of Pride Month is the rainbow . He represents the diversity and uniqueness of the LGBTQIA+ community. The rainbow shows us that there are many colors and nuances that make us all special. Each color has its own meaning:
❤️ Red = life
🧡 Orange = Healing
💛 Yellow = sun
💚 Green = nature
💙 Blue = Peace/Harmony
💜 Violet = Spirit/Spirituality

Of unicorns and rainbows

The rainbow plays an important role not only in the LGBTQIA+ community - the unicorn world is also often associated with it. Unicorns remind us that we should believe in our dreams and desires and that it is important to always be ourselves. They remind us that we are unique and valuable and that we all belong together.

In the glittering world of Pummeleinhorn, the rainbow has a similar meaning as in our world: it also stands for the diversity and uniqueness of each individual glittering creature and maintains the rainbow-colored life and magic in the magical world. So it's no wonder that the glittering world is thrown out of control when the villainous pirate monkey Botoko bursts the rainbow with a cannonball in the radio play adventure " Journey to Eswaramaal " (Amazon Music & Audible)!

Let's celebrate Pride Month as a time of love , pride and solidarity and work together for a world where every person is equally accepted and respected!

Love is love.


  • Liebe Luise!
    Du hast vollkommen recht. Du hast gut aufgepasst in Glitzerkunde! :)
    Vielen Dank für den Hinweis. Ist korrigiert!


    Steffi on

  • Ich finde es gut das auch hier in der Glitzerwelt auf die LGBTQIA+ Community aufmerksam gemacht wird. Allerdings habe ich einen kleinen Fehler entdeckt, was das Hörspiel angeht. Eigendlich ist es nicht „die Kaperfahrt der Glitzerpiraten" gewesen sondern „willkommen in Eswaramal", wo Botoko einen Affentat auf den Regenbogen ausgeübt hat…

    Luise.W on

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