The author reads the entire article here:
The glitter world is full of real magic. But sometimes the real magic lies elsewhere!
In my short conversation with Meike last month, she revealed to me that many WorldWorlders are currently dealing with the same topic: how do you stay positive, even if you seem to have little reason to? How do you get the legendary “good vibes” at any time?
This idea is not alien to anyone here in the glittering world. I'm more of a positive person by nature - but I can't just "think positive" all the time! Not even Pummel can do that, for example when the cookies are out.
So what do we do to find positivity? Like a good reporter, I don't think about a question myself, but rather find experts on the topic. Quite unexpected solutions often emerge!
Flecki the donkey describes himself as “never in a bad mood”, so I had to get to the bottom of him. I find him sleeping in a hammock in front of the Guglhupfburg. Despite my attempt to land as quietly as possible, a falling lollipop tree in the front yard wakes him up. But this also gives us direct proof: even being woken up so rudely doesn't spoil his good mood! He greets me with a relaxed hoof bump.
We are planning a joint visit to the Chubby Fairy in Glitter Glimmer City, where the two of them meet weekly to do crafts. On board the Buntbison train we talk about Flecki's attitude.
“A bad mood is just that – a mood! Of course it comes sometimes, but I let it pass me by like a cloud. It flies in – eek – and just passes by again – aaah!”
He explains that the clouds are actually a good strategy. You can imagine thoughts and moods like clouds, and you just lie in the meadow and look at them. Flecki only pays attention to those he finds beautiful - or who look funny. He recently saw one that reminded him of Pummelomi because of its “huge nose.” But please don't tell her that.
Interesting. So he doesn't think positively, he thinks everything , and then chooses the nice thoughts so he can spend more time with them! But if fewer positive thoughts arise than usual?
“Sure, that’s possible too. Then I look for friends and something to do that makes me happy and where good thoughts come to mind. And then everything is e-ah-wonderful again!”
For example, crafting with Chubby Fairy , which we have now arrived at! Some time ago she started a long-term project with which Flecki has recently been helping her: the “ Pop-Up Stories ”, small pop-up books that document the best moments from Pummel’s adventures . There is endless spilling when cutting out and gluing the little cardboard figures - the perfect opportunity to laugh and not take yourself too seriously! A craft session like this gives Flecki positive thoughts for days - even enough that he can share them with others.
And lo and behold, the enthusiasm rubs off on me just from watching! The creative chaos is contagious - I have to join in and reach for the shish kebab skewer and the colored pencils. Flecki and Pummelfee's recipe for positivity is original, but undoubtedly worth emulating.
But I don't have to wait for my next visit to glitter glitter city to think positive things again! That's why I put a little souvenir under my piano - a lantern that Flecki painted for me. This will brighten my mood every day! What is it with you?