Next stop on the Buntbison train: Schaumkusen » Pummeleinhorn
Nächster Halt der Buntbison-Bahn: Schaumkusen

Next stop on the Buntbison train: Schaumkusen

Next stop on the Buntbison train: Schaumkusen

Cremingen is the largest trading hub in the glittering world. The special feature is the Buntbison Railway , which starts at the train station there. It connects Schaumkusen and the Creme Mountains with the rest of the country. But you definitely shouldn't be late on your trip to balloons , cookies or the glitter city , because the next train doesn't arrive for 33 1/3 days!

The residents

Cream Mountains

The residents of the glittering world also need their winter vacation! But unlike in the global world, they don't have to wait until winter to do this; You can always ski in the Creme Mountains ! So, as long as you wear your extra-wide cream skis . With normal skis you just fall through the cream and get stuck. It's tasty, but not particularly sporty...

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